There’s a new Bad Guy in town and he’s holding us all up for a “King’s Ransom”. Especially if you dislike patching your devices regularly or you’re still steadfastly holding on to that old XP machine. But you ALWAYS update your machine when Microsoft releases patches, right??
According to Dictionary.com, Ransomware is:
“noun, Digital Technology.
1. malware planted illegally in a computer or mobile device that disables its operation or access to its data until the owner or operator pays to regain control or access.”
As reported yesterday (5/13/17) by ZDNet’s Danny Palmer (http://www.zdnet.com/article/wannacrypt-ransomware-microsoft-issues-patch-for-windows-xp-and-other-old-systems/) this one is SO BAD that Microsoft has actually released patches for the “dead” (AKA no longer officially supported without a REALLY expensive contract) OS’s — Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Windows 8 (including RT).
If you’re using one of these systems, head over to Microsoft’s blog page on the subject (https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msrc/2017/05/12/customer-guidance-for-wannacrypt-attacks/) to get the patches you need.
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